Tamashi Nations Mobile Suit Gundam The 08th MS Team RGM-79(G) GM Ground Type Version A.N.I.M.E, The Robot Spirits 鋼彈模型

Original price was: NT$2,007.Current price is: NT$1,977.

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Tamashi Nations Mobile Suit Gundam The 08th MS Team RGM-79(G) GM Ground Type Version A.N.I.M.E, The Robot Spirits, 顏色: Rgm-79[g] Gm Ground Type, 規格: Robot Spirits Figure, 型號: BAS62985

代購費用 = 商品總價 x 匯率 + 服務費 + 總運費

商品總價 匯率
美金 49.99 32.5
服務費 (%) 總運費
新台幣82 元(5%) 新台幣 300